Boogie School

This is my homeschooling blog. This blog is mainly a site to capture info that I've found on the net. Our actual curriculum and such won't be found here. If you have questions, feel free to ask me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Weather Journal

This is probably the best thing we're doing lately. We're doing the math and the reading and all that but the weather journal is fun.

I have her draw a picture of the weather then answer questions - precipitation, color of the sky, temperature, and ground cover. Then she has a spot that she can write what else she observes.

We do this once each week and it takes up a good amount of time but I think it's pretty valuable. She's observing, answering questions, reading temperature, writing, and really thinking about it.

I look forward to the end of the year when we can go back and look at it to see the changes in weather.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Goals for January into February

I meant to post goals just for January but as I started to write them I was being a little industrious and figured it might take into February to accomplish some of them.

Read a book - Lions at Lunchtime (Magic Treehouse series)
Re-write Moira's stories so they're legible.
Write new stories?
Vowels/consonants - work at recognizing them quickly
Syllables - clap them out (car game)
Sentence structure maps
Title page of books - choosing a book from a library based on what you want.
Drag out Shel Silverstien book and maybe memorize a poem

Continue with addition and subtraction exercises
write her own math problems
Count by 2's, 5's, 10's, etc.
Work on graphs
Days of the week

review Native American stuff
Famous Americans
Do more with national symbols

I'm thinking of having M map out where she would like to go on a field trip this spring. Look up the maps online and draw her own pictures and map out a place to go see. Even if it's only the beach or a hiking spot. I want her to be able to give a general idea of how we'll get from A to B.

Weather Journal? - I had planned for this to be a spring exercise since the weather is so varied and interesting but I'm going to introduce it now.

Light and Shadows - Work also on the planets and how you can sometimes see the moon in the daytime.

Begin planting seedlings for the garden. Planting a bean/pea between wet towels and a clear glass so she can see how they grow.

Human body stuff - 5 senses - we'll work on this just because she likes to. We work on it much of the time anyway.

Start winter Lapbook

Spanish - work on songs
Karate - I need to sign her up for classes