Boogie School

This is my homeschooling blog. This blog is mainly a site to capture info that I've found on the net. Our actual curriculum and such won't be found here. If you have questions, feel free to ask me.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I started to do my reading on the laws of the state and when I felt like my head was going to explode from all the tedium I switched to reading curriculum ideas. I read the first part of my book on curicula for M's grade level and I've gotten some great ideas that I think will be perfect for M.

The hard part will be getting to the library. They closed the local library, the one I could walk to. There isn't much in this town I can walk to so I was excited to be able to do that with M. Now we'll have to borrow a vehicle. It sucks because I know we won't go as often now.

My next little hurdle will be to sign up with a local homeschooling group. It seems necessary for end of year testing and such. I had planned on signing up anyway. Hopefully M will be able to start Karate or Dance in the fall. She didn't seem to enthused about the idea of Girl Scouts so I think that will be put off another year.

Friday, June 17, 2005


M wants to know how the heart works so I found this. Looks promising.

They also have brain, immune system, kidneys and lungs.