Boogie School

This is my homeschooling blog. This blog is mainly a site to capture info that I've found on the net. Our actual curriculum and such won't be found here. If you have questions, feel free to ask me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Weather Journal

This is probably the best thing we're doing lately. We're doing the math and the reading and all that but the weather journal is fun.

I have her draw a picture of the weather then answer questions - precipitation, color of the sky, temperature, and ground cover. Then she has a spot that she can write what else she observes.

We do this once each week and it takes up a good amount of time but I think it's pretty valuable. She's observing, answering questions, reading temperature, writing, and really thinking about it.

I look forward to the end of the year when we can go back and look at it to see the changes in weather.


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