Boogie School

This is my homeschooling blog. This blog is mainly a site to capture info that I've found on the net. Our actual curriculum and such won't be found here. If you have questions, feel free to ask me.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Story Game - Racing seeds


Make up cards (colored index cards or squares of construction paper). Write down the required things on the specified colors.

YELLOW: PLACES (ie – home, zoo, Canada)
RED: LIVE THINGS (ie – dog, cat, lion)
BLUE: THINGS TO DO (ie – play, climb, drive)
GREEN: PEOPLE’S NAMES (ie – Mom, Nana, Dad)
PURPLE:STUFF (ie – toy, car, tree)

Pick one card of each color.
Make up a short story using the words that you chose.


1.Pick out 3 different seeds (we chose sunflower, pea and bean).
2.Label 3 baggies with the name of your seeds and place a folded dampened paper towel in each.
3. Label 3 plant pots with the name of your seeds and fill with soil
4. Place one seed in each of the correct locations.
5. water the pots and place in a sunny place
6. Tape the baggies to the window above the pots.

7. Have each kid or kid and parents choose a seed to "root" (haha) for. Then watch and wait.


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